
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Monsters, Inc Mike Wazowski for Lunch!

Disney/Pixar's Monsters, Inc is one of my all-time favorite movies! Little E's nickname is even  "Boo," because she reminds me of the character in the movie! So when I got a Mike Wazowski cookie cutter in my Disney Cakes and Sweets subscription, I was super excited! I HAD to use it right away!

Mini Mike Munch
Uncured ham and goat cheese sandwich on GF bread; organic apples, tomato, edamame 
I used the cutter from my Disney Sweets subscription, but you could easily use a variety of circle cutters to achieve a similar look, or search for a Mike Wazowski cutter on etsy! For best results, cut each slice of bread and the ham and cheese separately, rather than after it's been assembled into a sandwich. I was too lazy to paint the bread green.

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I used some natural black food color to enhance the smile lines, since imprints don't show up well on Udi's (or most other brands of) gluten-free bread. I did Little Sister's last, so there wasn't a lot left, and I was too lazy to mix more, which is why hers looks a little weaker.
I attempted to dot a pupil on the dye-free candy-covered chocolate, but it ran and bled all over. And they didn't hold up well overnight. Oh well.

For the white part of the eye, I used a circle cutter that was close enough to the size of the eye imprint and cut some sliced Dutch-style goat cheese from Trader Joe's. I "glued" it on with some organic mustard. All three of us are intolerant to cow dairy to various degrees, so this sliced goat cheese is a staple in my fridge!

Mike's Monster Munchies
Uncured ham and goat cheese sandwich on GF bread,
Earth Balance PB Popps seasonal variety, organic edamame and carrots
Big Sis got a more monsterly version with some google-eye food picks in her veggies. You'll notice there's no fruit in her lunch. No worries. She takes two snack breaks at school, and this day I packed frozen applesauce for one of them (it thaws enough by snack time that she can chip away at it and eat it slushie-style, which she loves to do!) I may have packed a whole apple for her other snack, but usually it's a snack-sized serving of olives, so she doesn't get too full for lunch!

Tools of the Trade