This school year I've been pretty lackluster in the creativity department. So here's a week of tried-and-true lunch favorites for my 1st grader and 3-year-old. Well. Most of a week.
Sausage for Big Sis
Organic apples, raspberries, carrots, and sugar snap peas; leftover pineapple-bacon sausage, organic ketchup and mustard |
Monday, 2/2/15 - One day at Costco they had samples of this pineapple bacon sausage that my kids (and husband) went ape for. So we stock up whenever they have them. They're Z's favorite dinner option, and leftover sausage is a lunch favorite too! I put in a little
sweets fork pick just for fun. And to keep fingers clean... She doesn't like to wash her hands... Ewwww.
Little Sis Sausage
Pineapple-bacon sausage; organic peas, carrots, apples, raspberries, ketchup |
A smaller version of the same lunch for my little one... Not sure what to call her. No longer a toddler, since she's 3, but not quite a preschooler, since she wasn't 3 when the current school year started. Podling? Oompa-loompa? Little Squirt?
Nuts and Bolts
Chocolate nut clusters; organic strawberries, carrots, and snap peas; multi-grain chips |
Tuesday, 2/3/15 - For fun I packed chocolate-covered nut clusters as her protein (and a treat!) and some whole-grain chips for her grains. The nut clusters actually have surprisingly little sugar in them. I served them in a
flower cup to add an easy fun factor.
Preschooler Lunch
Organic snap peas, apples, clementine; salted hard-boiled egg, GF pretzel twists |
Same idea, but I opted for an egg for my little one. Less of a choking hazard. And we'll pretend that the gluten-free pretzels actually contain some grains...
DIY PB Cracker Stackers
Organic apples, snap peas, and carrots; PBCo Dark Chocolate Dreams, GF crackers |
Wednesday, 2/4/15 - Z loves "building" her own lunches, and when I'm in a hurry, tossing in a squeeze pack of peanut butter and some crackers makes a quick and easy option!
PB Cracker Sandwiches
Chocolate PB and Glutino crackers; organic mushrooms, carrots, and strawberries |
My little one can't quite be trusted to assemble her own PB cracker sandwiches yet, so I made hers for her. No worries though. She just licks off the peanut butter and leaves the crackers behind. *sigh* They're in a
butterfly muffin cup because they're an easy way to make a simple lunch look fun. I tend to forget to add little touches like that to her lunches, since I've focused on making my older daughter's lunches fun for so much longer. But E really enjoys when I do add these little details.
Heart and Cheese Cracker Stackers
Glutino crackers, goat cheese, uncured ham; organic peas, carrots, raspberries |
Thursday 2/5/15 - Ham and cheese
Cracker Stackers are another favorite around here. And a
mini heart cutter makes them so much more fun than the packaged lunch kits we can't eat anyway. The
heart muffin cups just makes this lunch burst with love!
Goat milk casein is closer to the protein in human milk versus cow milk, and so doesn't trigger my intolerance or cause issues with my girls. Trader Joe's and Whole Foods have amazing selections of goat milk products!
Must not have packed anything for the 3-year-old. Which probably backfired, as then I end up making lunches twice. Once the night before for Big Sis and once the next day for Little Sis. Plus she demands her food be served in an
EasyLunchbox anyway, even when she's eating at her little table. "I don' wan' a PLATE! I wan' a NUNCH!" Hahaha!
There was no school that Friday, so no packed lunches.
Tools of the Trade