I usually chop up a salad mix once a week or so, and stick to pretty much the same toppings (if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?) But that can get a little boring to the psyche if not the palate. So I keep it fun by arranging some of the salad ingredients into garden arrangements, cutting carrots into shapes (when I have time,) and keeping the sides different but still yummy!
Snack Mix (GF garlic pretzel rings, Hail Merry Orange Rosemary Pecans, roasted almonds,) organic apples, PBCo Cinnamon Raisin Swirl PB, organic salad (lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, raisins, sunflower and chia seeds, hemp hearts, rosemary vinaigrette) |
10/2/13 - I made myself a savory snack mix for this lunch, with gluten-free Ener-G garlic pretzel rings (might only be available locally; I only see the plain ones online,)
Hail Merry Orange Rosemary Pecans (which are crazy-delicious, by the way!) and organic roasted almonds.
For "dessert," I packed a Mini Dipper with some sweet Cinnamon Swirl Peanut Butter from Peanut Butter Co and apple slices to dip. Yum!
Organic ground cherries, kiwi berries, Enjoy Life Cinnamon Bun Decadent Bar, Glutino Pretzel Chips, organic salad (lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, raisins, sunflower and chia seeds, hemp hearts, rosemary vinaigrette) |
10/4/13 - Another "tomato garden" on my salad, with some fun fruit finds in the side compartment; kiwi berries, which look and taste like tiny kiwis inside, plus some ground cherries from my weekly organic farm share. Ground cherries are related to tomatillos, but are sweeter.
Glutino Pretzel Chips for a nice crunch, and an
Enjoy Life Decadent Bar for dessert! (Cut in half to fit. Don't worry. Both halves are in there! Om nom nom!)
Organic apples, kiwi berries, whole grain rice chips, organic salad (lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, raisins,
sunflower and chia seeds, hemp hearts, rosemary vinaigrette) |
10/11/13 - I didn't have as many fun-shaped (and colored!) heirloom cherry tomatoes, so a simple tomato design for this salad.
Organic sweet peppers, Naturebox blueberry almonds, Naturebox Masa Crisps, organic salad (lettuce,
carrots, tomatoes, raisins, sunflower and chia seeds, hemp hearts, rosemary vinaigrette) |
10/14/13 - Usually I just toss my seeds and dressing onto my salad either right as I make it or just before heading out the door, so this one must have been packed far enough in advance to warrant separating them!
I'm not a huge fan of sweet peppers, but I eat them because they're a great way to get in a lot of healthy colors, it sets a good example when I them in front of my kids, and I'm slowly hating them less the more I'm exposed to them. So, yay. To make up for it, I got some Masa Crisps (kind of like Fritos, but way better,) plus some yummy Naturebox blueberry almonds for dessert!
Naturebox tropical trail mix, root chips, organic salad (red lettuce, spinach, purple carrots, tomatoes,
raisins, sunflower and chia seeds, hemp hearts, rosemary vinaigrette) |
10/15/13 - I had cut some purple carrot flowers out for one of Z's lunches, so chopped up most of the scraps to toss in my salad, and had a few intact cut-out carrot coins to decorate the top!
Tools of the Trade
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