
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I, Robots

Wednesday, 10/9/13 - I've been aching to do robot-themed lunches with some fun robot-y goodies for a while now. So I finally made some for both girls!

Little 'Bot
1/2 GF PBJ, non-dairy cheese, GF crackers, hummus cup; organic strawberries, edamame, carrots, sugar snap peas
Little Sis got a very simple robot sandwich, as I hadn't really planned on doing anything with hers when I started packing. But once I was cutting shapes out of the non-dairy cheese for Z, I thought it would be fun to make a robot face on E's little sandwich fingers too.

I used little cutters from the Zoku Character Kit, which is just adorable and I'd been coveting it for the longest time.
She got a Chowbots spoon for her hummus, in case she didn't want to dip her broken Glutino crackers or veggies. And I added a robot cupcake topper ring for fun.
[This post contains affiliate links.]

Big Girl Robot
Organic strawberries and carrots, GF PBJ, non-dairy cheese, leftover GF DF macaroni and cheese

I've had the Yumbots silicone cupcake molds for a while now, but they're too tall to fit in any of my other lunch boxes. I finally thought to try them in my blue yubo lunchbox and they're perfect to sub for one (or both!) of the small round inner containers.

I made the robot face using random cutters from the Character Kit, but used the Zoku Social Media Kit for the letters. Fun!

Z got the Chowbots Fork for her Namaste Say Cheeze gluten- and dairy-free macaroni and cheese. I usually add some extra stuff into the sauce, like pureed squash, nutritional yeast, and mustard, to give it a cheesier taste and thicker sauce.

Since the tall robot cups don't have lids, I made sure to pack larger items like the strawberries and carrots, so that I could easily keep them held down with a napkin and the fork.

My cloth robot napkin is from Red Poppy Crafts on etsy.

Tools of the Trade
      Food Decorating Party Ring Robot Robotic boys bento lunch  Red Poppy Napkins


  1. I LOVE these lunches! LOVE! So clever and I love that everything matches! Even the utensils and the napkin!


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