
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Wibbly-Wobbly Lunches - Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Blog Hop

 Doctor Who image credit:
The girls and I are eagerly awaiting the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special episode airing tonight on BBC America (or whatever your country's BBC channel is...)
To celebrate, I made the girls some Whovian lunches, and Edible Geekery is doing a Doctor Who lunch Blog Hop!

Bow Ties Are Cool
Mini dye-free marshmallows, gluten-free Mighty Maple PB sandwich, organic sugar snap peas and 1/2 apple
I know I'm crossing timelines here with references to two different Doctors, but I don't care. For E, she got a "bow ties are cool" sandwich and "apples are rubbish" from Eleven, and little Adiposian mini marshmallows (dye-free!) from Ten (and the return of Donna, who is probably my favorite companion so far.)
Sandwich made using an imprint bow tie cutter, and Adipose faces made with a food-based black food color and a toothpick.

"The Fat Just Walks Away!"
Gluten-free Mighty Maple PB sandwich, mini dye-free marshmallows, mini organic apple, vegan "Ranch" kale chips 
[This post contains affiliate links.]

More Adipose for Z. These little guys are a particular favorite of ours. Because they're stinkin' adorable! Kind of gross, if you know their genesis, but cute nonetheless. The girls love them so much they literally cried when Hubby and I were cruel enough to deny them the $30 Adipose plushies at Powell's Books. We're monsters! (But I did find some roughly the same size for half the price from Lilaria on Etsy!)
The crowning glory here is the Adipose sandwich, made using a special cookie cutter from WarpzonePrints.

You can keep reading for a look at my Who-ey etsy treasures, or travel through time and space to see the timey-wimey treats at Lunches Fit For A Kid!

Shameless Plug
Tee Fury
I will be celebrating by wearing one of my (many) Doctor Who/Whovian crossover shirts from Teefury. And these two will be available today only extended through Sunday 11/24 (that's how they work - one or two designs per day, available 1-2 days only! Waaah! With a few select designs available for a higher price a while longer.) 
It's a toss-up between my Mary Poppins with TARDIS or Merida with TARDIS crossover shirts. Unless my Serenity towing the TARDIS shirt is clean... Hmmm... Maybe 10th of Hearts...

Tools of the Trade

Timey Wimey Trinket
It was hard choosing just one of the one-of-a-kind Doctor Who lockets from TimeMachineJewelry on Etsy, but I managed. This one has an image of the TARDIS, a TARDIS key (yes, I know it's not the same style as the one in the show. This one looks more interesting though!) a little bob meant to look the his sonic screwdriver, and assorted timey-wimey bits.

Bigger on the Inside
For more Whootery fun, I dressed up as the TARDIS for Halloween. My dress was not only custom made to fit from SmarmyClothes on Etsy, but she also added capped sleeves for me. Since I didn't want to have to be all vigilant shaving my pits prefer the look. ("Galaxy" leggings from the Juniors department at Macy's. I know. I was shocked they fit me too!)


  1. Love love love!!! Of course, I also have a deep and abiding love for the Adipose so that probably had something to do with it ;)

  2. love your lunches!! And the dress is adorable!

  3. Fabulous lunches, your adipose are adorable...and, your box isn't half bad either. ;)

  4. Hahahaaa! Your box is bigger on the inside! Omg! Love the adipose and bow tie.

  5. Love them and the outfit. we would have been quite a pair I wore my red Dalek dress but not one pic of me as souffle girl.

  6. I just love the little adipose marshamllows most of all, they are so cute!

  7. Awesome post! I love all your fun Who goodies too!

  8. Aww, yummy cute Adipose sandwich!

  9. Love every bit of this post.. the lunches, the details, and your box!

  10. Brilliant lunches! Love the dress too :-)


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