Monday, 4/1/14 -
flower veggie cutters) were rejects that came home from Z's Something On-A-Stick Day lunch.
The tomatoes were a little wrinkly, so I had to use them up quick! And that hunk of cauliflower was actually a tiny head of cauliflower from my weekly organic CSA farm share. So cute! (In fact, most of my veggies come from my farm share. I bought the organic cucumber, tomatoes, and sweet peppers from the grocery for this lunch, but for most of my lunches, all the fruits and veggies are from the farm.)
The dip in the Mini Dipper was something I'd read about; mixing peanut butter with yogurt. I opted for Greek honey yogurt, since that's what I had. It was pretty good. I did roughly a 1:1 ratio. The macaroons were from a local company, and sold at our CSA farm. Not as tasty (or as pleasant a texture) as the Hail Merry
Tuesday, 4/2/13 -
The cookie pieces were broken off of a much larger cookie from a gluten-free bakery. It's gingerbread. With frosting. Hellooooo!
Thursday, 4/4/13 -
Hello Kitty lunch?!) which meant that instead of getting to eat lunch in the car while Baby napped in the back after dropping Z off at her afternoon preschool, I had to try and eat as much as I could until she got bored sitting next to her sister to eat and came over to check out what I had on offer.
I managed to hide the silicone muffin cup of mints, but she ate my blood orange, a bunch of my salad, and most of my guacamole and yogurt. *sigh*
As you can see, my lunch was quite tasty. What little of it I was allowed to eat...
Tools of the Trade
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