
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

CuteZCute Hello Kitty

Reusable cloth Hello Kitty napkin from Red Poppy Crafts on etsy.

Thursday, 4/4/13 - I used the CuteZCute cutter to make a quick and easy Hello Kitty lunch for my big girl! See? You don't need any special, often-overpriced, licensed tools to make this iconic character!

[This post contains affiliate links.]

Hello CuteZKitty
GF Udi's PBJ sandwich, organic sharp white and mild orange cheddar, GF Van's crackers,
organic blood orange, organic carrots and pea with organic Ranch 
After cutting some Udi's Gluten-Free multi-grain bread, I used PB to "glue" on some India Tree Naturals chocolate vermicelli sprinkles and Trader Joe's dye-free chocolate-covered sunflower seeds to make a face. And a carrot flower for the bow over the ear. DONE! Crazy easy. It took longer to find and arrange the whisker sprinkles than it did to put the rest of the lunch together!

I put a Hello Kitty cupcake topper ring in with the blood orange (which she didn't end up eating. Baby had it at lunch time, since Z was home sick and didn't have much of an appetite.)

The cheese flowers (cut with a flower veggie cutter) went into a Hello Kitty silicone bento cup (I got mine on eBay,) and I used the same cutter on some organic carrot coins that went in with some carrot sticks and a Mini Dipper with organic Ranch dressing.

Tools of the Trade
      Japanese Bento Carrot Vegetable Cutter with Case small  Red Poppy Napkins


Go ahead! Tell me how awesome I am. Or ask a question. Whatever.

(Please note that I had to disable Anonymous comments. Too many spam comments coming through the filters.)