
Friday, August 3, 2012

Our House Is a Very Very Very Fine House Bento

Monday, 7/23/12 - Z had an early Summer camp at My Gym (9-12. Ugh) so I made sure to have her lunch ready early, so she could start on it as breakfast, if desired.

Our House
Snow peas, cheese, NatureBox BBQ sunflower seeds, raspberries,
MOMables Under the Sea pasta salad
In my square cup I made little houses using a mini arrow/house cutter. If you look closely, you'll see a white spork tucked in amongst the peas. In the house-shaped plastic cup are BBQ Sunflower Seeds from the July Naturebox - Z really went ape over the selections from that box! She L-O-V-E-D 3 out of the 5 snacks, and kept going back and trying the 4th "too spicy" one that I gave to Daddy. I bogarted the 5th - trail mix, so she never had a chance. (Want to try out NatureBox for yourself? Use code CRISTI to get 25% off your first box!) House cup and flag ladybug pick were from Daiso.

I decided to make the MOMables Under the Sea pasta salad to change things up. Plus I had leftover noodles and no bread. I can't share the recipe, but check out MOMables for yourself! You can get a 3-day sample menu free, plus another free week when you sign up for their emails! A great way to get out of a same-lunch-every-day slump!
The noodles are house and person-shaped (which is what inspired the whole house-theme!) I got them on clearance after Christmas at a kitchen specialty shop. Don't worry. They weren't expired. Yet.

To my surprise, she gobbled down the whole pasta salad... after picking out the peas. She ate the snow peas, but not the loose peas from the pasta. Weirdo. She also ate all the sunflower seeds, cheese, and raspberries. Not a shocker.

I couldn't stop singing "Our House" which of course frustrated Little Z, who kept asking me to Please. Stop. SINGING! Hahahaha!

 Mama's Lunch
Spinach salad w/raspberries, raisins, and raspberry vinaigrette,
SunButter, NatureBox Masa Crisps, broccoli
You can barely see them, but tucked just behind the pink silicone cup with SunButter are some Masa Crisps from my May NatureBox. I got two boxes that month due to my own stupidity, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as those snacks were amongst my favorites so far!

All the fresh produce in both lunches is organic and was farmed locally! 
And check out my spinach salad! It came from just two leaves! I love my CSA farm! 
(Totally not trying to give anyone the birdie. Sorry!)

Tools you can use to do your own version, even better!:
   home car cutter set


  1. That's so cute! Nice leaf too :)

  2. 'Bout time mom gets in on your nutritious, colorful, delish bento lunches. Of course I love the SunButter, but also the entire creation! Thanks for the inspiration to make my own bento lunches.

  3. The title of your post makes me SMILE! I love that CS&N song :)


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