Monday, April 16, 2012

Muffin Tin Meals - Under the Sea

My husband was outside sorting through junk stuff in the garage, so I made a quickie muffin tin meal for The Princess to eat outside with him.
Rainbow Goldfish, PBHoney sandwich, milk,
pear fries, carrot 'anemones,' more pear fries
When planning the lunch, she asked for a peanut-butter-honey sandwich. So then I let her pick the other elements as well. I asked her what fruit she wanted, and (after asking me what 'fruits' were,) she picked apple. She chose carrots as her vegetable (which is good, since they're pretty much all I had...) And when I explained that 'dairy' was food made from milk, she said she just wanted milk. "Reg-a-lur milk!" Wooooot! It's been a fight to get her to drink milk this past year, and only recently have we been able to get her to drink it willingly, by putting Ovaltine in it. In a sippy cup only! So her requesting plain milk is a real coup! To jazz up the milk, I chose her Little Mermaid straw (Disney Store clearance,) so decided to go with a sea theme.

For her sammie, I used a fish cutter and PB-glued a blue sugar eye on it. I loooooove sugar eyes! (You can easily make your own dye-free version with royal icing or white chocolate and natural food colors. But I'm lazy. And I still have a ton of pink, blue, yellow and white ones from a bake shop that was having a going-out-of-business sale!)

She'd asked for apple, but I had half a pear in the fridge, so I cut some up into fries and lied to her. She said she didn't like this apple, and she wanted a "reg-a-lur apple!" So I ate the pear and traded her some apple slices. *sigh*
I tried something new with the carrot flowers, since my friend Keeley from Keeley McGuire Blog hasn't been asked refuses to share her carrot cutting technique so I had to try and figure it out myself. Still not sure how she does it... Unless she cuts EACH coin by hand! Gah!
I added in the Goldfish Crackers to fill a space and to fit the theme, but when I presented Her Majesty with the lunch they were met with "I didn't SAY Goldfish Crackers! Why did you give me Goldfish Crackers?" So I told her not to worry. "DON'T eat them. I will eat them for you." She ate them first. >.<
I totally forgot to take pictures of her eating. She was so cute! She had her folding bunny chair, and I set up a big box as a table. She ate everything but the carrots. (And the pears, of course.)


  1. I so love the fish! How wonderful that he has blue eyes!

  2. Great theme! I love the carrots!

  3. This is cute! And I think the pear seaweed looks cool (but yeah, The Muffin won't eat pear now either - don't know why, she used to).

  4. So cute! Loved the idea with the sugar eyes!

  5. Bahahahaha... um, to answer your question. Yes, when I make them THAT way, I DO cut each one by hand. :) LOL


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