So I made them a muffin tin snack lunch.
Apples, American ducks and Colby Jack butterfly cheese, raspberries; Nutella (and PB. Shhh!) duck and butterfly sandwiches, Nutella roll-ups, carrots |
Tually is really into the white American cheese right now, and they arrived late due to making her dad stop and buy some on the way over. She chose the mini duck cutter
I didn't bother sloshing the apples in juice to prevent browning, since usually an apple won't survive long enough around these hyenas, but the raspberries and Nutella proved to be more exciting.
I ended up eating the last of the apple slices and sandwich rolls. Tragic, I know. And some carrot sticks. Actually, I was shocked and amazed that anyone bothered to eat their veggies, what with two kinds of yummy fruit and the chocolate sammies. Have I mentioned lately how much I love my foodophile? She'll be eating dessert and still stop and go back and eat more of her veggies. *weep* I don't know if the other girls had any carrots, since I was busy reading a trashy romance novel cleaning stuff.
I packed up the leftover food for the girls to take home, since they take the ferry, and it's a nightmare trying to wrangle the two of them up to the snack counter if they're whining starving.
My sister said my living room looked like a preschool, which pleased me, since she's fairly picky about what toys she wants for her kids, and rolls her eyes at my Littlest Pet Shop and Happy Meal toys (but will take duplicate My Little Pony ones. And Strawberry Shortcake.) It looked more like an explosion to me, and I had boxes of stuff we're trying to go through and get rid of piled all over the couches, which Pilu enjoyed trying to climb.
At least Z's room was (mostly) clean. Just a stack of boxes of 18-month clothes, 24-month and 2T summer clothes, and baby blankets. And a closet that couldn't quite shut all the way.
But they're family. And family understands when your house is a candidate for an episode of Hoarders not always at its best. They're especially understanding when you've been going out and watching their kids for free every week so that they don't have to find a daycare. Capisce?
And maybe, as an added bonus, they stay and help you organize your kitchen and manage to cram all your bento and MTM stuff into the 2 measly cupboards you've been alloted. (...And into Z's dishes cupboard, and a plastic rolling set of drawers hastily fished out of bedroom closet and emptied of silly things, like husband's socks... Oh, and also some seasonal stuff went into the hall closet.) But I'm still technically all contained in my two cupboards in the kitchen. Nothing was said about stuff not being allowed outside of the kitchen!
I would have loved to have had any of these leftovers.